How to Retrieve a data from database in ASP.NET Core Web API

ASP.NET Core API : How to Retrieve a single record, Retrieve a record from sql,Get a  record by id, crud operation in ASP.Net Core Web API, CRUD operation in AsP.Net Core, Retrieve,Insert,Delete, Update in ASP.NET API, ASP.NET Core API , web api, web api, code-first entity framework,swagger, Retrieve a record using code-first entity framework, how to retrieve a record using core web api, write web api for retrieving records,  write web api for retrieving records using core web api

In this article, I will tell you how to retrieve a single record from the SQL Database table. For getting a record from the SQL table we will use the code-first entity framework. In my previous article, I already described 
how to do settings for writing ASP.NET Core Web API.  Follow the steps:


I already discuss the table structure in my previous article. Please follow that article for creating a table structure using the Code-first entity framework. Also, I discuss the migration of models and updating your database in the SQL server. 


In your ASP.NET Core application, Create a Controller Page "ProfileController" inside the Controller folder. Then write API for retrieving a single record from the "Profile" table.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using ProfileWebApi.Model;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

namespace ProfileWebApi.Controllers
public class ProfileController : ControllerBase
public ApplicationDbContext DbContext;
public ProfileController(ApplicationDbContext applicationDbContext)
DbContext = applicationDbContext;
public ActionResult<Profile> GetProfileById(long id)
var res = DbContext.profiles.Where(a=>a.ID==id).FirstOrDefault();
return res;


Then Build your project. After build successfully completed then click on start debugging. then edit your URL. Run your localhost URL with "/swagger/index.html ". For example:


Then this page will open.

ASP.NET Core API : How to Retrieve a single record, Retrieve a record from sql,Get a  record by id, crud operation in ASP.Net Core Web API, CRUD operation in AsP.Net Core, Retrieve,Insert,Delete, Update in ASP.NET API, ASP.NET Core API , web api, web api, code-first entity framework,swagger, Retrieve a record using code-first entity framework, how to retrieve a record using core web api, write web api for retrieving records,  write web api for retrieving records using core web api


Click on "GET:​/api​//api/Profile/GetProfileById". Then this page will open:

ASP.NET Core API : How to Retrieve a single record, Retrieve a record from sql,Get a  record by id, crud operation in ASP.Net Core Web API, CRUD operation in AsP.Net Core, Retrieve,Insert,Delete, Update in ASP.NET API, ASP.NET Core API , web api, web api, code-first entity framework,swagger, Retrieve a record using code-first entity framework, how to retrieve a record using core web api, write web api for retrieving records,  write web api for retrieving records using core web api

Click on the "Try It Out" button. Another button "Execute" will show then click on that button. 


The result of your API will show. i.e. the retrieve data will show.

ASP.NET Core API : How to Retrieve a single record, Retrieve a record from sql,Get a  record by id, crud operation in ASP.Net Core Web API, CRUD operation in AsP.Net Core, Retrieve,Insert,Delete, Update in ASP.NET API, ASP.NET Core API , web api, web api, code-first entity framework,swagger, Retrieve a record using code-first entity framework, how to retrieve a record using core web api, write web api for retrieving records,  write web api for retrieving records using core web api
That's it. I hope you have found this article helpful. Do let me know via comments and likes.

CRUD Operation Reference Link:

1. Create
4. Update
5. Delete

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